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Our Services


9:15 AM — Communion

On the night before He was crucified, Jesus gathered his disciples together for what is commonly known as the last supper. It was there that He instituted what we refer to today as communion, telling His disciples “This do, in remembrance of Me.” In honor of His sacrifice on the cross for our sins, and of His command to remember Him, we celebrate this communion supper each Sunday.

10:15 AM — Break and Refreshments

We have found over the years that an extended break of refreshments and conversation has been fruitful and highly encouraging for our people. We therefore have committed 45 minutes to this portion of our Sunday mornings.

11:00 AM — Teaching Service

Our Sunday service consists of singing hymns and spiritual songs, and ministry in the Word of God. Our great desire is to teach the Bible. Our general approach is to preach through a book of the Bible from beginning to end, seeking to understand its original meaning, and then applying it to our lives today.

5:00 PM — Evening Service

Our evening service format is generally more relaxed. We sing. We may study through a book of the Bible, do a topical bible study, or have a discussion seeking to bring a biblical perspective to relevant issues.

Fourth Sunday of each Month

On the third Sunday of each month, we have a pot luck lunch together. We do not have an evening service on this Sunday.


5:00 PM — Prayer

We gather on Wednesday evening to pray. We begin our prayer time with singing, and a devotional thought from the Bible. We then take prayer requests, and pray. Every other week the men and women break into separate groups for prayer.